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 Ad Posted: Thursday, August 15, 2024
 Ad Expire:  Friday, August 15, 2025
 User Information:
Posted by: SingleStamp
Country: Thailand
Phone:  087 174 7812.
User Location: Chiang Rai
User Web Site: User Web Site
All User Ads: All Ads by SingleStamp
 Ad Information:
Collecting theme / Country:  wORLDWIDE

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Viewed: 238 times 
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Thank you for your visit. My goal here is to offer you a choice of stamps for trading and also increase mine at same time.

All stamps are used unless otherwise noted. All stamp values are based on Stamp World guidelines.

Trade stamps one for one with similar values, Will not trade low values for high values. Maximum quantity of stamps to trade at same time 50. (one for one) MUST HAVE 2 OR MORE PER UNIT , I WILL ONLY TRADE IF HAVE MORE THAN ONE''
Once your choice is done, e mail me your list and I will take out of my inventory, once I have received your stamps, I will mail you yours by regular mail. If you want tracking or insured, I will a dvise you of price.

Remember that every week I will be adding more stamps and inventory will also change up or down.

I would like if your heart tells you, to add 5 stamps of your
choice for free to help me make this site feasable.
Any questions or comments, just e mail me at
Visit following postage stamp collecting websites
 Status: Active