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 Exchange portuguese stamps
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 Ad Posted: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
 Ad Expire:  Wednesday, December 10, 2025
 User Information:
Posted by: HélderPimentel
Country: Portugal
User Location: Barreiro
All User Ads: All Ads by HélderPimentel
 Ad Information:
Collecting theme / Country:  Portugal

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Viewed: 1376 times 
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50/50 or more used stamps from : Aegean Sea Island, Kosovo, Aruba, Dutch Caribean, Danish Islands, Leeward Islands, Porto Rico, Sint Maartin, British Indian Ocean, Palestine, Ross Dependency, Guam, Penrhyn, Kiribati, Micronésia, Nauru, Niuafoou , Eritreia, Mayotte. May accept other countries also, pleae contact me

50/50 or more used stamps from Portugal and/or mix of former Portuguese Colonies.
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 Status: Active