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Exchanging stamps
Ad Posted:Friday, February 2, 2024
Ad Expire:Saturday, February 1, 2025
User Information:  
 Posted by:Roland
 User Location:Brabant
 Ad Information:
Ad Information:  
 Collecting theme / Country:Flora, Fauna, Lighthouses, Mills, Bridges
 Ad Description:

I collect stamps with the topic FLORA (flowers, plants, trees, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables), FAUNA (animals, mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians, birds, insects, butterflies, dinosaurs, shells), LIGHTHOUSES, BRIDGES and MILLS (windmills, watermills).
In my collection I only take used stamps, nice cancelled, not damaged. Blocks preferred used, but can be mint. .

I can offer you nice used stamps with theme flora and fauna worldwide or used stamps from Nederland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Scandinavia and other West- and East-European countries. Also a small part of mint stamps and FDC’s are available for trading.
My complete tradingstock is visible by scans and on lists with Michel cataloguenumber. Send me a message and I send you a link to my scans and lists.

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